
How to create a repository on GitHub?

  1. On GitHub, click the '+' icon in the upper right corner and select 'New Repository' from the dropdown menu.
  2. Fill out all required fields, including the repository name, description (optional), and visibility settings (public or private)
  3. Choose to initialize the repository with a README, .gitignore, and license if necessary. This step is beneficial for setting up the repository's basic structure.
  4. Once the repository is created, you can connect it to a local repository on your machine. This can be done in several ways:
    • Through GitHub Desktop: Set up a new local repository directly
    • Via the Command Line: Create a new local repository or push an existing repository

How to add members to a repository on GitHub?

  1. Navigate to your GitHub repository and click on the 'Settings' tab
  2. Select 'Collaborators' from the sidebar on the left
  3. Click the 'Add people' button and search for the user
  4. Once the user is found, send the invitation. An email will then be sent to the user's account

How to collaborate?

  • Create or select a task from the project board to provide all team members with insight into the project flow. Remember to assign the task to yourself
  • Avoid working directly on the master branch. Instead, create a new branch for each task. Choose a branch name that is relevant to the task you are working on
  • When you start working on a task, update its status to 'In Progress'
  • Once you complete the task, push your code to the repository and create a pull request. After creating the pull request, move the task to 'In Review'
  • Reviewers will examine your code, provide comments on any changes needed, and test your branch
  • Once all feedback is addressed and the code is approved, merge the pull request. Then, update the task status to 'Closed'

These steps ensure a clear workflow for collaborating effectively within a team, maintaining code quality, and tracking project progress efficiently